Rabbi, Artist, Writer, Content Creator, Devoted Follower of HaShem Yisbarach

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Our Books

All our books are of the highest quality and we believe you will love each one of them. 

Doomsday Bunker Book
Doomsday Bunker Book

Paperback Edition

Your complete guide to designing, surviving, and living in a concrete bunker

Doomsday Bunker Book
Doomsday Bunker Book, Underground Edition

Paperback Edition

Your complete guide to designing, surviving, and living in an underground concrete bunker

Doomsday Prepper Lessons
Doomsday Prepper Lessons

Paperback Edition. A preppers guide to surviving catastrophe

Doomsday Prepper Lessons

Hardcover Edition.

A preppers guide to surviving catastrophe

Not My People
Not My People

Paperback Edition

A Historic Fiction Novel (1976 - 1986)

The Late Great Who?
Doomsday Bunker Book, Underground Edition

Paperback Edition

A Historic Fiction novel (1987 - 1999) A sequel to Not My People

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah

Paperback Edition.

A translation and commentary on Mishnayos Chagigah with over 1,100 footnotes.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah

Hardcover Edition.

A translation and commentary on Mishnayos Chagigah with over 1,100 footnotes.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on The Hadran Alach

Paperback Edition.

A translation and commentary on the Hadran Alach that is said at the conclusion of a Siyum.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on The Hadran Alach

Hardback Edition.

A translation and commentary on the Hadran Alach that is said at the conclusion of a Siyum.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on The Viduy of the Chida

Paperback Edition.

A translation and commentary on the Viduy of the Chida and other prayers surrounding the different confessionals.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on The Viduy of the Chida

Hardback Edition.

A translation and commentary on the Viduy of the Chida and other prayers surrounding the different confessionals.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov on The Viduy of the Chida

Looseleaf Binder Edition.

A translation and commentary on the Viduy of the Chida and other prayers surrounding the different confessionals.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov 280+ Pesach Recipes

Paperback Edition.

Over 280 tried and delicious recipes for Pesach.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov 280+ Pesach Recipes

Hardback Edition.

Over 280 tried and delicious recipes for Pesach.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov 280+ Pesach Recipes

Looseleaf Binder Edition.

Over 280 tried and delicious recipes for Pesach.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Kitchen Manual

Paperback Edition.

Instructions and suggestions how to run an efficiant kitchen

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Kitchen Manual

Hardback Edition.

Instructions and suggestions how to run an efficiant kitchen.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Kitchen Manual

Looseleaf Edition.

Instructions and suggestions how to run an efficiant kitchen.

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Pesach Haggadah

Paperback Edition.

Translation and commentary on the Pesach Haggadah

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Pesach Haggadah

Hardback Edition.

Translation and commentary on the Pesach Haggadah

Renas B'Nai Yaakov on Mishnayos Chagigah
Renas B'Nai Yaakov Presents The Pesach Haggadah

Looseleaf Binder Edition.

Translation and commentary on the Pesach Haggadah